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Disable Customer


Disable Customer Extension for Magento 2. Disable/Enable customer login, password reset and account activation. Works for both Frontend and WebAPI area.


Disable Customer Extension for Magento 2

Wubinworks Disable Customer


In various business situations, the store owners may want to disallow certain customers to login but they do not want to delete those accounts so they can re-enable them in the future.

Surprisingly, Magento 2 doesn't offer such a feature.

There are some ways that store owners tend to adopt but cannot truly "Disable" an account. The customer could always have workarounds.

  • Delete customer -> Register by using the same email again
  • Deactivate account -> Re-activate account via receiving confirmation email again
  • Lock account -> Unlock by resetting password


  • Disable/Enable customer:
    • Login
    • Password reset
    • Account activation(sending confirmation email)
  • Above works for both Frontend and WebAPI area
  • Disabled customer is forced to logout instantly and all WebAPI tokens are revoked
  • "Login As Customer" support: Yes. Admin can "Login As Customer" from backend even if the customer is disabled
  • Can set custom error message on a per-customer basis
  • Can set default error message as fallback
  • Admin customer grid filter option for filtering disabled/enabled customer

*Note: the custom error message is displayed only if the customer provided correct credentials(i.e., Email and Password).

Requirements & Compatibility

Only tested on Magento 2.4 CE
This extension does not use preference and template override.


composer require wubinworks/module-disable-customer


Admin Panel Stores > Configuration > Wubinworks > Disable Customer

  • Default Disabled Customer Message
    If you leave the Disabled Customer Message empty on customer editing page, this fallback message will be used.

By default, customer is not disabled.

To force a customer to logout immediately, use the Disable -> Save -> Enable -> Save trick.

For Developers

Customer Attributes:
  • By default, all customer attributes added by this extension are "backend only attributes", which means they are invisible and unchangeable via \Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface in Customer User Context.

  • If you want to override "backend only attributes", create a small module and check etc/di.xml for instructions.

  • If you want to change "backend only attributes" value in Customer User Context(e.g., in your frontend controller), use \Magento\Customer\Model\Customer instead. You can also check \Wubinworks\DisableCustomer\Helper\Customer::updateCustomerAttribute for an example.

  • name: wubinworks_disabled_customer_try_login
    data: 'customer' => \Magento\Customer\Api\Data\CustomerInterface
    when: Disabled customer attempts to login with correct credentials

  • name: wubinworks_customer_disabled
    data: 'customer' => \Magento\Customer\Model\Customer
    when: After successfully setting customer to disabled

  • name: wubinworks_customer_enabled
    data: 'customer' => \Magento\Customer\Model\Customer
    when: After successfully setting customer to enabled

If you like this extension please star this repository.

You may also like: Disable Change Email for Magento 2

Extension Support

  • Installation/Upgrade

  • Configuration

  • Add custom feature

  • Resolve conflict

  • And more

For the above request, please refer to Magento Technical Support Service.

Note we require credentials that have privilege to access your Admin Panel, code base and restart services. We can also use git.

Source Code


For all FREE extensions, you do not need to have an account to obtain the source code. Just install via composer and it is the recommended way.


OSL-3.0 License
