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Features List
Product, Category, Shopping Cart and Promotion
Tiered pricing
Related products, up-sells and cross-sells
Product tags and reviews
Customizable attributes
Recently viewed and compared products
Configurable options(eg: color, size)
Virtual and grouped product
Product inquiry
Hide price
Product comparison
Gift message
Automatic product image resizing and watermarking
Discount rules
Shopping cart rules
Category trees
Layered navigation
SEO-Aware content design
Bulk actions for all products
Bulk Import/Export product data
Customer Account
Easy and configurable registration process
Account management
Customizable customer attributes
Customer groups
Price rule for different customer groups
Reward points
Social Logins(Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, Apple, Yahoo, Line, etc.)
2-Factor Authentication(SMS or authenticators)
Save multiple shipping/billing addresses
Contact form
Order editing
Order filtering and statistics
Custom order states
Credit memo
Return and refund
Customizable PDF invoice printouts
Shipping invoice
Shipping label printing
Multi-store, multi-currency and multi-language natively supported
Product contents automation
Google reCAPTCHA or hCapture
Newsletter subscribe/unsubscribe
Smart and controllable sitemap generation
Google site manager/Google shopping integration
eBay, Amazon integration
Templated emails
Configuring allowed locales
100% Responsive design and mobile friendly
CMS and Built-in Blog
Embed products in blog post
Embed blog posts in product page
Widgets/Reusable blocks
Page builder/WYSIWYG editor
Posts/Drafts management
Author management
Search blog posts
SEO-Aware design
SNS sharing integration
Blog comments management
Preview before publish
Schedule publish date
Blog tags
Built-in URL rewrite
Search engine friendly URL
Meta-information for products, categories, content pages and blog posts
Google shopping, google tags, google analytics support
Instant-search while typing(try Demo)
Search by synonyms
Smart search(can analyze search terms, not just an exact match)
Tweak search weight
Typo detection
Search everything storewide(Not only products)
Search result control/sorting
For Japanese language, KANJI result can be searched by KANA input.
Customizable checkout process
Remember shipping address and payment method for next time
Place multi-shipping destination order
Service agreement(eg: add a "ToS" agreement checkbox)
Shipping restrictions(eg: destination country, total weight)
Add more checkout steps and order validations
Payment and Shipping Methods
Credit cards, Stripe, Apple pay, Google pay, Amazon Pay, Paypal, etc.
Free Shipping
Flat Rates, Table Rates
Built-in couriers: UPS, USPS, FedEx and DHL
Add more shipping logics
Add more payment and shipping methods
Back Office
Bulk actions for products, customers, orders, etc.
Data extraction
Admin login with 2-Factor Authentication
Auto currency exchange rate update
Multi-admin user with roles and Access Control List(ACL)
Sales, tax, abandoned shopping cart, most purchased products, low stock products, search terms, coupon usage report
Tax and Handling Fees
Tax included or tax excluded price
Different tax rates for different products
Configuring handling fees(fixed or dynamic)
Magento API
Create, get, update and delete products
Get customer and order information
Integrate with other system